Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd. 產品服務專線:04-27080265

ProScan Motorized Stage System for Semiconductor Microscope | Prior Scientific

H116 半導體顯微鏡專用電動平台

XY Axis Large Format Motorized Wafer Stage For High Precision Microscope Automation

  • 適用於大多數知名的顯微鏡廠牌
  • 解析精度小於 1 µm
  • 控制器支援RS-232和USB連線,相容大多數第三方軟體
  • 移動行程範圍為 255 mm x 215 mm (10" x 8.5")
  • 各式晶圓專用置具(Wafer Holder)供您選用

Prior電動台系列產品可提供最長五年的原廠保固 (請來電洽詢)

H116 產品說明

H116顯微鏡電動平台適用於各種半導體材料如晶圓(Wafer)、光罩(Photo Mask)、平面顯示器(FPD, Flat Panel Displays)與印刷電路板(PCB, Printed Circuit Board)等大型樣品的定位(Mapping)、檢查(Inspection)與瑕疪檢測(Defect Detection)等高階半導體材料的座標跑位、定位與掃瞄應用。

此外,H116顯微鏡電動平台可輕鬆滿足8英寸(200毫米)晶圓的移動行程需求,並可進一步整合機器人手臂(Robot Arm)與晶圓裝載機(Wafer Loaders)達成晶圓自動化取放片的工作目標。



H116 產品規格

Performance 註1 H116/2 HE16/2
單向重覆性精度 Uni Directional Repeatability 註2
in µm
± 0.7 ± 0.7
最小寸動精度 Minimum Step Size
in µm
0.04 0.01
建議速度 Suggested Speed (mm/s)  40 40
最大行程範圍 Maximum Travel Range (mm) 255 x 215 255 x 215
最大載重 Load Capacity (Kg) 25 25
載台重量 Weight (Kg) 7.7 7.7
滾珠螺桿螺距 Ball Screw Pitch (mm) 2 2
Motor Type SPR 註5 200 200
Encoder NO YES 註6


  1. Specifications are based on the Prior method of testing and require the use of a ProScan II or above controller.
  2. Using a ProScan controller with backlash correction enabled.
  3. Measured over the full travel of the stage with IST enabled.
  4. Can be increased by a factor of 2.
  5. Steps Per Revolution of Motor.
  6. 0.1 µm res encoding provided.


H116 產品尺寸


H116 產品資源



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